Add a New User/ Multiple Users to an Organization


There are times when you need to add a new user or many users to an organization.

Step-by-Step Guide

Adding a New User

  1. Follow the steps to Access the Manage Organization Page.

  1. Click Register Member to add a new user to the organization.

  1. Provide all the new user details on the Register Member page. All the fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. Click Submit.

  1. An activation mail with instructions would be sent to the email ID of the new user.

  2. Click the activation account link in the email.

  1. Enter a unique password and then click Activate Account.

  1. The Sales Dashboard page of the ValueCore platform appears.

Adding Multiple Users

  1. Follow the steps to Access the Manage Organization Page.

  1. Click User Management (Bulk Upload via Excel).

  1. Click Download Template to bulk upload many users.

  1. In the Excel template, follow the instructions provided in the first sheet.

  1. Click the Users sheet, delete the sample record, and fill in the details of each new user. Save the Excel file.

  2. Under the Tags column, add all the users you want to tag. When adding multiple tags, they should be separated by a comma.

  1. Go to the Manage Organization page and click User Management.

  1. Click Choose File to upload the saved Excel file.

  2. Click Submit, and each new user with uploaded details will receive an activation email with instructions.

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