Copy a Visualizer Type Created by Another Person


Sometimes you need to work on a Visualizer Type created by another person. The Valuecore application allows edits to a Visualizer Type only if you are the owner of that Visualizer Type. The solution for this problem is to create a duplicate version of that Visualizer Type.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Follow the steps to Access the Visualizer Types Page.

  2. On the Visualizer Types page, click Search.

  3. On the Search in Visualizer Types page, enter the name of the Folder or Visualizer Type. Then click Search.

  4. Click the Visualizer Type you want to view.

  5. Click Copy.

  1. Provide a name and a description (optional) on the Copy Visualizer Type page. Click Create.

  2. A list of the model files uploaded for the Visualizer Type appears. Click to select the models to be copied while creating the new Visualizer Type.

  3. Click Create. A new Visualizer Type gets created with you as the owner.

  4. If the Visualizer Type has a logo, click Remove, . This helps to avoid confusion when searching for the original one.

  5. Click Change to upload a new logo.
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