Make the Tables and Extensions Appear Full Width using Group Variable


Through a code change, the different segments in Value Collaborator such as tables and extensions can be made to appear full-width.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open your Visualizer Type by following the steps to Edit your Visualizer Type.

  2. Click Prototype.

  1. On the Prototype page, the different segments appear adjacent to each other.

  1. Click the three vertical dots menu or the vertical ellipsis menu at the top right of the page either in the first or second segment, then click Full Width.

  1. The first segment becomes full-width.

  1. To set the first segment full-width by default, follow the steps to Edit Group Variable.

  2. Enter the code below right after the curly bracket.
"extension_panel_full_width": [     "section name 1",     "section name 2"   ], 

  1. Replace section name 1 with the name of the first tab and replace section name 2 with the name of the second tab. If the tabs have multiple sections, give the particular section's name. Click Save.

  2. Click Value Collaborator and then click Save.

  1. Click Prototype. The Prototype page displays the first segment in full width and the second segment comes below the first segment.

  1. Click the three vertical dots menu and click Half-Width. The Prototype page remains the same with the first segment remaining full width.

  2. To undo, delete the code added in Group Variable and click Save.

  3. Click Value Collaborator click Save and then click Prototype. The Prototype page shows the different segments adjacent to each other.

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