19 May 2023 Release
Import Model via Excel
- Generic File
- The Excel sheet named "VC_Notes" will be ignored during the import process.
- Table rows and columns starting with "VC_Notes" will be ignored during the import process.
- Table Header will be added as a suffix to a label (structure: [label] - [header] - [code reference])
Value Collaborator
- Ability to export up to five PDFs in the Value Collaborator
- The "show/hide" feature for the UI tables
- The "show/hide" feature for the UI extensions (i.e.: charts, images, videos)
Read the article about how the "show/hide" feature works for different UI elements
- The "Share" page redesign
Discovery Wizard
- Ability to export up to five PDFs in the Discovery Wizard
- Ability to expand/collapse left navigation.
- Model owner can control the default state of the left navigation (expand or collapse the left navigation in the Discovery Wizard builder and click "Save").
- ENUM variables as checkboxes inside the tables. If "ENUM Display" is set to "checkbox" under the Variable Type settings, it will appear as a checkbox if you insert it into the table.
- Share page redesign (same as for the Value Collaborator)
Admin Console
The User Title text field is added to the data collected at user registration.
PowerPoint and Word Exports
NEW User Title tag:
Sales Dashboard
- List of Visualizer Types under "Select Visualizer" drop-down are sorted alphabetically
- Tooltip is added next to "Live Analysis"
The Organization Owner can change the text for this tooltip by going to Manage Organization > Advanced Settings > at the bottom of the "Other Display Settings" tab
Bug Fixes
- Visualizer Type logo upload issue (model owner was getting error when trying to upload a new logo)
- Value Collaborator string variable issue (some Chinese characters were causing the VC UI to throw an error)
- Value Collaborator and Discovery Wizard date variable issues (specific date formats were not saved correctly in the VC and DW UIs)
- Import Model via Excel > Equations as JavaScript > percent variable issue (percent variable were exported as "1%" instead of "100%")