Access the Shared Visualizer


Share links are created to send a copy of the Visualizer to a teammate or prospective customer. They can change any inputs without changing the default settings, thus making the results their own.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open your email account and click the shared link. The Launch Shared Visualizer page appears.

  1. Enter the credentials and click Continue.

  2. The Visualizer is launched in a new tab. This Visualizer can be used as your own.

  1. To update the visualizer, change the input values and then click Save on the top navigation. These changes are known as Share Instances.

  2. Click Export and select from the options.

Email Notifications

  1. When the user opens your Visualizer, you receive a mail that notify you that the user has opened your Visualizer. This mail would contain the link to the Visualizer with shared instances.

  1. It is followed by another notification mail that contains the Visualizer Link and the Share Instance Link.

  2. Click the Visualizer Link and it will take you to the Visualizer that you shared with your user. While the Share Instance Link takes you to the Visualizer updated by the user. This helps you to compare both the visualizers and make a decision regarding accepting or declining the share instances.

Accepting/Declining the Share Instances

  1. Return to your Visualizer and refresh the page.

  1. A new button Merge appears on the top navigation.

  2. Click Merge. The Share Instances pop-up box appears.

  1. It contains not only the email address of the user but also the exact date and time at which the changes were made to your Visualizer.

  2. Click Review Changes to know the changes made. A pop-up box appears.

  1. The pop-up box provides detailed information such as the name and email address of the user, the name of the variable whose values have been changed, and also the variable's current as well as new value.

  1. If you want to make similar changes to your Visualizer, then either click the Select All checkbox or click to select individual checkboxes and then click Accept. Your Visualizer will be updated with the new values.

  2. If you do not want those changes, click Decline.


  1. The Merge button disappears only when you accept or decline all the changes made by the user to your Visualizer.

  2. If you have shared the link with multiple users, all the details can be seen by clicking the Merge button.

  3. Follow the same steps to share the link of the Discovery Wizard, to access the shared visualizer, and to accept/decline the share instances.

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