Create an Outbound Campaign


Outbound Campaign refers to the process of making Visualizers en masse.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Follow the steps to Access the Visualizer Types Page.

  2. Select the Visualizer Type that you are planning to use for batch upload.

  3. Find the In-Browser Batch Migration ID by copying the characters after 'id' in the URL.

  4. Click the down arrow button and then click Manage Organization.

  1. Click Advanced Settings.

  2. Click the tab Other Display Settings.

  3. Click to select the Enable in Browser Batch Migration checkbox.

  4. Paste the characters copied earlier in the In Browser Batch Migration ID text box.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Home on the top navigation.

  7. Click the new tab Batch Migration that appears on the Home page. The Batch Import Spreadsheet pop-up box appears.

  8. If the spreadsheet is ready, click Choose File to upload the spreadsheet Otherwise click Download Template to get a formatted file for upload. A template gets downloaded to your device.

  9. Fill the downloaded template with details of any number of customers. It is important to enter the Visualizer Name.

  10. Click Choose File to upload the spreadsheet.

  11. Click Yes, if you want to Download Excel after Import.

  12. Click Process. Once the processing is completed, the Activity Report page appears showing the Visualizers created for each customer.

  13. Click Sales Dashboard on the top navigation.

  14. Hover the mouse over the Visualizer that you created and click the button that appears. If both DW and VC are configured for the same model, you can select the UI to be opened from the dashboard

  15. Click the Hamburger button under Actions and select from the options.


  1. When selecting the Visualizer Type for batch import, ensure the Visualizer Type has been pushed into production. Otherwise, the Batch Migration tab would not appear.

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