Integrate with Azure Active Directory


ValueCore integrates with single sign-on (SSO) to help increase workflow. Follow the steps to integrate ValueCore with your Azure environment. If you need help or have questions, please contact,


  1. You need to be an organization owner and should have an admin account to successfully integrate ValueCore with Azure Active Directory.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Follow the steps to Access the Manage Organization Page.

  1. Click Advanced Settings.

  1. Click the SSO Settings tab.

  1. Click Add SAML Configuration.

  1. On the Azure Active Directory, click New Application.

  1. Select Non-gallery application.

  2. Name the App. and click Add.

  1. Click Single sign-on on the left pane and select SAML.

  2. Edit Basic SAML Configuration.

  1. Copy the SPMetaData URL from the ValueCore platform and paste it on the Identifier (Entity ID) on the Azure AD platform.

  2. Copy the SP Assertion URL from the ValueCore platform and paste it on the Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) on the Azure AD platform.

  1. Relay State >

  1. Edit User Attributes & Claims and click Add new claim.

  1. Enter email and user mail.

  1. Download the Certificate and open it with Notepad.

  1. On the ValueCore platform, click Enter IDP Details.

  1. Enter the name in the Connection Name field.

  2. Copy the Azure AD Identifier from the Azure AD platform and paste it into the Entity ID field.

  3. Copy the Login URL from the Azure AD platform and paste it into the SingleSignOnService URL field.

  4. Copy the text between BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE from the Azure AD platform.

  1. Paste the text in the X509 Certificate text box in the ValueCore platform.

  2. Click Add.

  1. Go to Users and groups on the Azure AD platform and click Add user/group to add a user.

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