Create Help Panels using Tags


Help Panels could be easily created in Value Collaborator. However, you can also create help panels using tags.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Follow the steps to Edit your Visualizer Type.

  2. On the Visualizer Type page, click Variable Types.

  3. Click Tags.

  4. Select the tab where you would like to place the Help Panel. Then click Edit.

  5. Ensure that the Help tab is selected.

  6. Enter a title in the Help Title field.

  7. If you want to translate the title and the content to another language, click Translations to select the language.

  8. Enter the message in the Help Items text box.

  9. Click to select the Show full width panel check box if you want the help panel to appear in full width.

  10. Click Save.

  11. Now open the Value Collaborator UI and click Save.

  12. Click Prototype and you can see the Help Panel created.
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