Transfer / Request Ownership of a Visualizer


Once a visualizer has been created, you have the option to transfer the ownership of your visualizer to another person and even request ownership of visualizers from others. It is possible in Value Collaborator as well as in Discovery Wizard.

Step-by-Step Guide

Transfer Ownership

  1. Follow the steps to Create a Visualizer.

  2. On the Visualizer page that opens, click Tools and then select Transfer Ownership.

  3. On the Transfer Ownership pop-up box, click the name of the user you want to transfer the ownership of your visualizer from the Select User dropdown list.

  4. Click Transfer. The user would receive a mail notifying about the transfer.

Request Ownership

  1. Click the link in the mail that you receive when a Visualizer created is shared with you.

  1. On the Visualizer page that opens, a notification appears on the screen informing that you have read-only access but you have the option to be the owner of the Visualizer.

  2. Click Request Ownership to request the owner to transfer the ownership to you.
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