Integrate with HubSpot CRM for Value Collaborator


You can encourage your sales reps to use HubSpot more consistently and effectively by providing a one-click value statement that your reps can use to position themselves as true challengers to their prospects. Your reps will close more deals faster, and you will get the coveted data you need to perform insightful win/loss analysis to optimize your team’s future efforts.

Typical Workflow

Data Flow

Dataflow, e.g., loading data from and saving data to HubSpot, is the core of ValueCore <> HubSpot integration. Loading data is useful when you already have valuable information in HubSpot that can be used as input fields to a value statement (a Visualizer). Saving data is useful when your value statement produces interesting information that is not already available in HubSpot. In either case, you must give ValueCore access to transfer data and create a mapping that defines:

  1. Which pieces of data should be transferred between ValueCore and HubSpot, such as:
    1. Deal Name > Visualizer Name
    2. Total Incremental Revenue (new custom field) > ValueCore Total Incremental Revenue
    3. Etc…
  2. What is the data flow type for each field
    1. Bi-directional
    2. Save to ValueCore
    3. Save to HubSpot


Should know about

  1. Visualizer Type
  2. Variable Type
  3. HubSpot

Should have

  1. ValueCore Admin Account 
  2. HubSpot System Administrator Account 
  3. Visualizer Type owner

Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a HubSpot Private App

  1. Click the Setup icon on the top right corner of HubSpot.

  2. Click Private Apps.

  3. Click Create a private app.

  1. Enter the name of the App in the Test App Name field.

  2. Click Scopes.

  1. Select the OAuth Scopes (i.e., companies, deals, etc.).

  2. Click Create app in the top navigation.

Connecting the HubSpot Connected App with ValueCore

  1. Follow the steps to Access the Visualizer Types Page.

  2. Click any visualizer type.

3, Click HubSpot. The HubSpot Mapping page appears.

  1. Click Select HubSpot Instance and then click Create New.

  1. Copy the API key.

  1. Enter name in the Instance Name field.

  2. Enter the API key in the Access Token field.

  3. Enter the URL ( in the Base URL field.

  4. Click Save.

Field Mapping

  1. Click HubSpot on the Visualizer Type page.

  1. Click Select HubSpot Mapping.

  2. Click Create New.

  1. Enter the Map name in the Mapping Name field.

  2. Click Save.

  3. Click Select HubSpot Object.

  1. Click to select a variable Type, for instance, Customer Name in the ValueCore Field.

  2. Click to select an element, for instance, Name in the HubSpot Field.

  3. Click to select the object, for instance, Lead, from the Select HubSpot Object drop-down list.

  4. Click Add New.

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