Close a Visualizer using the Sales Dashboard


You create a visualizer with a sales objective. You have the option to close the visualizer as either won or Lost.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Follow the steps to Create a Visualizer.

  1. Click Actions and then click Close from the drop-down list.

  1. The Close Visualizer pop-up box appears.

Closing Visualizer as Won

If the sales team has been able to close a deal and succeeds in converting a prospective customer into a client, the visualizer is closed as won.

  1. Click Close Visualizer as Won.

  2. Provide details such as Opened date, Closed date, Discount percentage, and Expected Revenue.

  3. Click Close Visualizer.

  4. A pop-up message appears notifying that the visualizer has been closed successfully.

  5. Click Close.

  1. The table shows the visualizer as Closed Won.

Closing Visualizer as Lost

If the sales team fails to close the deal then the visualizer is closed as lost.

  1. Click Close Visualizer as Lost.

  2. Provide details such as Opened date, Closed date, Lost Reason, and Expected Revenue.

  3. Click Close Visualizer.

  4. A pop-up message appears notifying that the visualizer has been closed successfully.

  5. Click Close.

  1. The table shows the visualizer as Closed Lost.

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