Get to Know the Settings Tab on the Sales Dashboard
The Settings tab allows you to make different changes to the Sales Dashboard page.
Step-by-Step Guide
Click Sales Dashboard.
Click your name on the top right corner of the page.
Click to select Settings from the drop-down list.
The UI Settings pop-up box appears. Click Button Setting.
It consists of two categories Buttons in Use and Button Library..
The Buttons is Use category refers to the buttons that are on display as we open the Sales Dashboard page.
The Button Library category refers to the options that you can select from.
To display a new button in the Buttons in Use category, select a button from Button Library and then drag it to the desired place, and then release the mouse button.
Hover the mouse over a button in the Buttons in Use category and you can see three buttons.
Click the highlighted symbol and you can drag it to any desired position in the category.
Click the pencil icon The Create Visualizer Button pop-up box appears.
Enter a new label in the text box and click Done. If you do not want to change the label, click Cancel.
Click the cross icon to remove any button from the Buttons in Use category. The removed button goes to the Button Library category.
Once the changes have been made, click Save.
- Click UI Customization and you can change the Theme Color, Font Family, Logo, and Favicon icon.
Once the changes have been made click Save.
Click Action Setting and you can decide the options that need to appear in the Actions menu on the same page.
- Click the toggle button to activate or inactivate any of the items and then click Save.