Add a Hide Variable/Code Reference in the Model


You can easily add a hide code reference in the model. However, this hide code reference works only when certain conditions are met. There are different ways to set a condition for the hide conference to work. Here, one such example has been given.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Download the flat file where you need to add the hide code reference. For that, click Repository of all Imported Spreadsheets.

  1. The List of model files pop-up box appears. Click the latest file (the date and time helps you to choose the correct one) and click Close. The file gets downloaded to your system.

  1. On the VROI-OUTPUTS sheet, enter names for the hide variable and the hide code reference.

  1. For the hide code reference to work, you need to provide some conditions. So when the values meet these conditions, you will be able to hide and unhide variables, tables, sections, images, or charts correctly

    Here, the IF condition has been used, where if the amount exceeds 5, it will hide; if not, it will unhide.

  2. Save the changes and close the flat file.

  1. Open the Visualizer Type and then click Import Model via Excel.

  1. The Import a Model pop-up box appears.

  2. Click Choose File to upload the updated model.

  3. Click to select Yes from the Override Existing Blockly JavaScript drop-down list.

  4. Click Upload.
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