Add a Tooltip in Discovery Wizard (Google Sheets Version)


A tooltip is a short description that appears when the user holds the mouse pointer over a screen element. Tooltips offer a great way to clarify an element or component that might seem unclear to users.

Step-by-Step Guide

Adding a Tooltip to Variables

  1. Follow the steps to Add Single Variables in Discovery Wizard (Google Sheets Version).

  1. Click the pencil icon. The Update Variable pop-up box appears.

  1. Click to select the Tooltip checkbox.

  1. Enter text in the Tooltip text box and then click Update.

  1. A question mark appears near to the variable.

  1. Hover the mouse over the question mark and it reveals the tooltip.

Adding a Tooltip to Tables

  1. Follow the steps to Add a Table in Discovery Wizard (Google Sheets Version).

  1. Hover the mouse on Title. Click the pencil icon.

  1. Enter text in the Tooltip field and then click Update.

  1. A question mark appears next to the Title.

  2. Click Preview.

  1. Hover the mouse over the question mark and it reveals the tooltip.

  1. Hover the mouse over cells containing text. Click the pencil icon.

  1. The Edit Cell pop-up box appears. Enter text in the Tooltip text box.

  2. Click Save.

  1. A question mark appears next to the variable.

  1. Click Preview.

  1. Hover the mouse over the question mark and it reveals the tooltip.

  1. To edit the tooltip, click Back to Admin and make the required changes.

  1. To delete the tooltip, remove the text in the Tooltip textbox.

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