Add Dynamic Charts for PPT Export in Discovery Wizard (Google Sheets Version)


PowerPoint supports native charts based on code references.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Follow the steps to Export Excel to get Visualizer Type Details in Excel Format in DW or Export Excel to get Visualizer Type Details in Excel Format in VC.

  1. Open the Excel file and you get the dynamic variables with code references of all the inputs and outputs in the Template Placeholder Value column.

  1. Open a PPT file.

  2. Click the Insert tab and then click Chart.

  3. The Insert Chart pop-up box appears. Select the chart of your choice.

  4. As soon as the chart appears with duplicate values, the Edit Data table also appears simultaneously.

  1. Click Add Chart Element, if you want to add Chart Title, Data Labels, Legend and so on.

  1. Open the Excel file and copy the dynamic variables of those values that you want to add in the chart.

  1. Paste the dynamic variable in the Edit Data table.

  2. Similarly, add all the other dynamic variables.

  1. Once all the dynamic variables are added, you can see the chart you inserted have disappeared.

  2. Save the Word document.

  1. Open the Visualizer Type page where you have uploaded the Excel model.

  2. Click Upload a Custom PowerPoint 1 Document for Export to upload the PowerPoint file containing dynamic variables.

  1. Click Choose File to upload the PowerPoint file.

  2. Click Upload.

  1. You can see the PowerPoint file uploaded in the Visualizer Type.

  2. Click Discovery Wizard.

  1. Click Download and then ensure that the eye icon for PPT Export is open (Otherwise, it will not be visible on the Preview page.).

  2. Click Preview.

  1. Click Download and then click PPT Export.

  1. A PowerPoint file with the chart is downloaded to your device.

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