Lead Harvester


A Lead Harvester provides you with real-time ROI calculations. With Lead Harvester you can offer a simple and interactive ROI calculator to engage and educate buyers. You can also use Lead Harvester to collect and qualify potential leads.

Step-by-Step Guide

Building the Value Model

  1. Quantify the value proposition by capturing, ranking, and measuring the issues that your prospects face.

  2. Gain a better understanding of your prospects' issues, pain, and goals.

  3. Map your prospects into different segments, each with distinct Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

  4. Determine how you resolve their issues, improve KPIs, and create and measure value for your customers.

  1. Come up with a complete Value Inventory.

  1. Construct an ROI model.

Building the Landing Page

Landing pages serve as marketing pages and also as gating pages.

  1. Create a landing page with the first gate essential info such as an email address.

  2. Reference industry research on the landing page.

  3. Describe customer challenges thoughtfully.

  4. Provide key value drivers that help differentiate your business from others and also how your business helps improve the profitability of your customers.

  5. Provide relevant Call to Action (CTA) buttons.

  6. Provide a comprehensive multi-page ROI calculator.

  7. Include dynamic content such as moving charts, sliders, and images.

  8. Gate additional lead information such as name, industry, role, company name, and number of employees.


  1. The fewer lead fields, the higher the chance of success.

  2. To maximize lead generation, provide a static landing page that only requires an email address and 1-2 inputs that are key value drivers.

  3. Provide multiple CTAs to improve chances of engagement.

Building a User Interface for the ROI Calculator

The ROI calculator must be user-friendly and interactive. You can create ROI calculators for simple, intermediate, and advanced calculations. You also get custom-built UI/UX for your specific needs.

  1. Create placeholders in the form of dropdowns, texts/numbers, sliders, and single/ multiple toggle buttons for your leads to input.

  2. Define your ROI calculations with evidence-based assumptions where data can be numbers, percentages, multiple selections, or sliders.

  3. Create outputs to convey high-level ROI in a simple and compelling way where outputs can be in the form of data fields, donut charts, pie charts, bar charts, or line graphs.

  4. Provide CTAs to entice qualified users to learn more about your business and to collect lead information.

  5. Position Gate modals at the startup of UI and after selecting CTA buttons.


  1. Adopt a responsive design so that the ROI calculator works well on smartphones and tablets as well.

  2. Capture prospect data either before or after usage.

  3. Provide blurbs to improve understanding and encourage users to click the action buttons.

  4. Blurbs should be no longer than 2 sentences.

Building the Export Report

  1. Select from the Export Report templates.

  2. Design the template with the guidelines, best practices, and sample reports that the template contains.

  3. On clicking the button for generating the report, a report is emailed to the customer having the download link.

Deploying the Lead Harvester for Integration

  1. Lead Harvesters are delivered to customers via iFrame short for inline frame. To get the iFrame code, refer to the documentation on what is the iFrame Code for Lead Harvester Deployment?

  2. The iFrame element with the iFrame tag is embedded in the customer's website.

Integrating with Marketing Automation Applications

ValueCore easily integrates with leading marketing automation applications or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems like HubSpot, Salesforce, Marketo, Keap, Eloqua, Pardot, etc.

  1. The customer on visiting your website interacts with the Lead Harvester on your website.

  2. The customer enters data to see live results and then clicks the Call to Action (CTA) button to get more information.

  3. The Lead Harvester launches a contact data entry form for the customer to submit contact details.

  4. ValueCore uses the code from the form created using your CRM system to send the data entered by the customer to your CRM system along with a unique URL that is a link/download.

  5. Your CRM system works on the data and then sends an email to the customer with the download link and other information and creates a Lead or Customer record for your sales process.


  1. No API integration is required.

  2. As part of the Lead Harvester setup, you need to provide the form created by your CRM system and also the design/layout of the customer data entry fields.

  3. The ValueCore system does not send emails to the customer directly.
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