How to add date variables in DW and VC?




  1. M/D/YYYY and M-D-YYYY

  1. MM-YY and MM/YY

Opening in the Calendar

  1. Click the date and the Calendar pop-up box appears. You can change the day but not month and year.

Obtaining the Year, Month, and Date

  1. To get year, month, and day, enter Number as Variable Type and Amount as Format.

  1. You will get the Year, Month, and Day. However, since the format for the Year is given as Amount, Year appears as a number. In Discovery Wizard, if you see a difference in day it is due to time zone difference.

Adding One Month

  1. Enter the formula for adding one month to a given date.

  1. You can see that one month is added to the date. In Discovery Wizard, you can see one day difference in the date due to the time zone difference.

  1. You can see that correct date is shown in Value Collaborator.

Adding Two Months

  1. Enter the formula for adding two months to a given date and let the day be the first of the month.

  1. You can see one day difference in the date in Discovery Wizard due to the time zone difference.

  1. You can see that in Value Collaborator two months are added to the date and the day is 1st of the month.

Adding One Year

  1. Enter the formula for adding one year to a given date.

  1. You can see the year changed in the Discovery Wizard. One day difference in the date is due to the time zone difference.

  1. You can see the year changed in Value Collaborator.

Adding No: of Days

  1. Enter the formula for adding to the days.

  1. In the Discovery Wizard, the exact days get added up.

  1. In Value Collaborator, the days get added up.

Subtracting Two Days

  1. Enter the formula for subtracting one date from the other. Enter Number for Variable Type and Amount for Format.

  1. The answer appears in Discovery Wizard but the one day difference is due to the time zone difference.

  1. The answer appears in Value Collaborator.

Today's Date

  1. Enter the formula for getting today's date.

  1. In Discovery Wizard, the date appears.

  1. In Value Collaborator, the date appears.

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