Enable Freeze to lock the Header/ First Column in Discovery Wizard (Google Sheets Version)


You can freeze headers, first columns or both easily in sheets enabled Discovery Wizard.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Follow the steps to Add a Table in Discovery Wizard (Google Sheets Version).

  1. Once you save the table, click the pencil icon.

  1. The Table General Settings pop up box appears.

  2. Click the Allow Scroller toggle button to enable scroller.

  1. As soon as the Scroller toggle button is enabled, you can see a field for entering height in pixels.

  1. Once you enter the pixel size, you can see a new feature named Freeze.

  1. Click the Freeze drop down list and select the option of your choice.

  2. Click Save.

  3. You can see the header, first column or both freezing as you scroll the table.

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