How to add multiple text strings and variables to a Chart title?

  1. Click Extensions on the Visualizer Type page. 

  2. Find the chart you want to add a title to.

  3. Scroll down until you see the following:
   title: {
	                     useHTML: true,
	                     text: "",
	                     style: {
	                         fontWeight: "bold",
	                         color: "#000000",    
	                         fontSize: "16px"

Here, Color and Font Size refers to the style of the title text.

  1. For 2 strings concatenated with 2 variables, copy the following inside the empty 'text' quotes:
<strong>First text string </strong><span style='color:#2193b0;font-weight:bold;font-size:15px;'>" + visualizerCurrencySymbol + Highcharts.numberFormat(vars[0]['Variable 1  - 1vd54'].value, 0) + "</span> <strong>Second text string </strong><span style='color:#2193b0;font-weight:bold;font-size:15px;'>" + visualizerCurrencySymbol + Highcharts.numberFormat(vars[0]['Variable 2 - 1vd55'].value, 0) + "</span>

  1. Select the color and size of the font of one variable as <span style='color:# <strong>2193b0</strong>;font-weight:bold;font-size:<strong>15px</strong>;'>

  2. Format the variable in the case of currency and number of decimal places as visualizerCurrencySymbol + Highcharts.numberFormat(vars[0]['Variable 1 - 1vd54'].value, <strong>0</strong>)

  3. For non-currency numbers, simply remove the (+ visualizerCurrencySymbol) modifier.

  4. The number immediately following the ...['variable - 1x1x1'].value, in the example above, '0' is the number of decimals your number should be rounded to. This number should be 0 to round to the nearest whole number, 2 to round to the nearest cent, etc.

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