Create a Salesforce Button or Link


Salesforce integration may not be included in your ValueCore license, If these functions and features aren't available, please contact your Customer Success Manager or email

Creating a button or link from Salesforce helps you to launch a Business Case/Model/Visualizer within the ValueCore platform:

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Follow the steps to Integrate with Salesforce.

  2. Click Setup on Salesforce.

  3. Go to Object Manager.

  4. Select the object.

  1. Go to Buttons, Links, and Actions.

  2. Click the New Button or Link.

  3. Click in the Quick Find/Search text box and type Accounts and then select Buttons, Links, and Actions from the below drop-down list.

  4. On the Buttons, Links and Actions page, click New Button or Link.

  1. Enter Name and Label for the new button or link.

  2. Click to select the Display Type i.e. whether you want a link or a button.

  3. To open the link in a new window select Display in new window from the Behavior drop down list.

  4. Select URL from the Content Source drop-down list.

  5. In the below text field, provide the URL. You can provide an SSO URL or a Non-SSO URL.

  6. Click Save.


For Value Collaborator{!Opportunity.VC_ID__c}/vt/12b/sfid/{!Opportunity.Id}/redirect/newui/v_id_field/VC_ID__c

For Discovery Wizard{!Opportunity. VC_ID__c }/vt/12b/sfid/{!Opportunity.Id}/v_id_field/ VC_ID_Sample__c?

In the above sample URLs:

  • VC_ID_c (Salesforce field) is the string field Salesforce API name for the unique ID to sync an opportunity with an individual model. This will be unique each time you create a new model.

  • VISUALIZER_TYPE_ID is the ID of the Master model (Visualizer Type) that will be used in these opportunities. You get this ID by navigating to the Visualizer Type page used with this type of opportunity and take the characters from the URL. Your model has its own unique ID.

Getting the Visualizer Type ID

  1. Select a Visualizer Type from the Visualizer Types page.

  1. The characters highlighted in the Visualizer Type URL is the ID of that particular Visualizer Type.

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