Display Options in a Drop-Down or Checkbox


Only Enums could be displayed as a drop-down or checkbox.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Follow the steps to Upload your Model/Create a Visualizer Type.

  1. Click Variable Types. The Variable Types page appears.

  2. Search the Enum by typing the name of the Enum in the text box and then click the particular Enum.

  3. Click to select the option from the Enum Display drop-down list.


  1. Usually, for two options a checkbox or radio button is used while for more than two options, a drop-down list is used.

  2. To display Enum as a checkbox, ensure to add the format for the checkbox wherever Enum is referred to in the VROI_INPUTS sheet of the flattened file.

  3. In the case of Generic files, if there is a checkbox/dropdown in the model, replace it with constant values and then upload. Later in the downloaded flattened file, create the VROI_ENUMS sheet, add Enums, and then pull the Enum values to the same variable to which we hardcoded the constant values during Generic upload.

  4. Include,1##Exclude,0 - Include/Exclude would appear as a dropdown option in the UI. Its value 1, 0 would be returned to VROI_INPUTS from VROI ENUMS, which is then used for VROI_OUTPUTS calculations in the flattened file.
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