Add Tags to Admins/Users in the Manage Organization Page


You can add tags to users and admins based on geographical regions, locations, designations, or roles within a company.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Click Manage Tags on the Manage Organization page.

  2. Follow the steps to Create Tags using Manage Tags.

  1. Below the section Members, click to select Verified Members or Admins.

  2. Click Tags.

  1. Type a new tag or press the down arrow button to select from the available tags. You can add any number of tags.

  2. Click Done.

  1. The tags added appear in the table.

Removing the Added Tags

  1. Click Tags.

  1. Click Remove. The tag gets removed from the Current Tags list.

  2. Click Done.

  1. The tag removed disappears from the table as well.

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