Add Tags to your Visualizer Type


You can add tags based on geographical regions, locations, designations, or roles to visualizer types that you own.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Select the visualizer type that you own.

  2. Follow the steps to Create Tags using Manage Tags.

  1. Click Tags.

  1. Select the tags from the Select Tags drop-down list and then click Add Tags.

  1. Press the Ctrl button on the keyboard to select more than one tag.

  2. Click Add Tags.

  1. The tags get added to your Visualizer Type page.

Removing the Added Tags

  1. Click Tags.

  1. Press Ctrl to select the tag/tags to be kept.

  2. Click Add Tags.

  1. Except for the tag/tags you selected, the rest of the tag/tags get removed.


  1. Once you make a selection by pressing the Ctrl button on the Tags pop-up box, do not keep it pressed while clicking Add Tags.

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