Push a Visualizer Type into Production
You can push into production only the visualizer type that you own. Only when you push a visualizer type to production, you can create a visualizer.
Step-by-Step Guide
- Select the Visualizer Type that you want to push into production.
- Click Push to Staging.
If you want to upload the PowerPoint template, click to select the Enable PowerPoint Export checkbox.
- Click Continue.
Click Push to Production.
(But if you have second thoughts about pushing the visualizer type into production just click Recall from Staging and the visualizer type will be back in the Development stage.)
- Click Continue.
- You can see that the visualizer type is in the Production stage.
Click Create New Version if you want to work on the visualizer type again. For a step-by-step guide, read the documentation on Create a New Version of a Visualizer Type.
- If you want to make changes to the visualizer type that has been pushed into production, click Recall from Production. For a step-by-step guide, read the documentation on Recall a Visualizer Type from Production.