Recall a Visualizer Type from Production


Once you have pushed a visualizer type into production, if you find any errors or mistakes that need to be edited or updated, you can easily recall the visualizer type from production. There are two ways of doing it.


  1. Opt for RECALL only when it is necessary. because the visualizers that were created in the Sales Dashboard using the particular Visualizer Type might get deleted automatically.

  2. Secondly, if a visualizer created using the previous version is upgraded to the newest version, then recalling the newest version of the visualizer type would downgrade the visualizer to its previous version.

First Method

In this method, you can recall the visualizer type stage by stage i.e. from Production to Staging and then to Development.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Follow the steps to Push a Visualizer Type to Production.

  1. Click Recall from Production. The Recall Version from the Production page appears.

  1. Click Recall. The Visualizer Type page appears.

  1. Click Recall from Staging.

  1. On the Recall Version from the Staging page, click Recall.

  1. You can see that the Visualizer Type is in the Development stage.

Second Method

With this method, you can recall a visualizer type directly from Production to Development.

  1. Follow the steps to Push a Visualizer Type to Production.

  1. Click Recall from Production. The Recall Version from the Production page appears.

  1. Select the right option from the Recall Status drop-down list. If you select Staging then all dependent visualizers will remain intact. But, if you select Development then all dependent visualizers will get deleted.

  2. Click Recall.

  3. The Visualizer Type would be recalled from Production.

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