Get to Know the Close Visualizers Tab on the Sales Dashboard


This page provides details about visualizers that have been closed.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Click Sales Dashboard.

  1. Click Close Visualizers on the top navigation. The Close Visualizers page appears.

  2. You can enter the Visualizer's name, description, or owner in the Search field.

  3. Click All Members to get details of the Visualizers created by the members of your organization.

  4. When the All Members tab is still selected, click the Sample Data tab to know the visualizers created by the members of your organization using sample data.

  5. You can close the visualizer as Won or Lost by clicking the Close as tab. For a step-by-step guide, read the documentation on Close a Visualizer using the Sales Dashboard.

  6. Click the All Members tab once again to unselect it and to keep the Sample Data tab alone selected. This will show all the visualizers created by you using sample data. You can close the visualizer using the Close as tab.

  7. Click to unselect the All Members and Sample Data tabs and select only the Already Closed tab. The visualizers that are already closed by you appear on the table.

  8. Click Close as to close the already closed Visualizer as either Won or Lost.
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