Move a Table to Another Tab/Section in Value Collaborator


You can move the table to another tab or section within the Value Collaborator very easily.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Follow the steps to Add a Simple Table in Value Collaborator.

  2. Click Copy on the table that you want to move to another tab/section.

  3. The Copy Table pop-up box appears.

  4. Click to enter the name of the tab in the Search Tags field.

  5. The Tab and Section name appears. Click to select the radio button.

  6. If you want to copy the same table to another tab or section, enter the name of the tab in the Search Tags field and then click to select the radio button.

  7. Click Copy to Selected(1). The table moves to the selected tab/section.

  8. If you do not want the table to be in the tab/section where it was originally found, click the Delete button.

  9. The Delete Table pop-up box appears. Click Delete. The table gets removed from the tab.
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