Export Excel to get Visualizer Type Details in Excel Format in Discovery Wizard


You can get details of the variables, code references, and extensions added in an excel format.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Follow the steps to Upload your Model or Create a Visualizer Type in case of model import or follow the steps to Integrate with Google Sheets in case of Google Sheets import.

  2. Click Discovery Wizard.

  1. Ensure the eye icon next to the Download tab is open (Otherwise the Download tab will not be visible on the Preview UI page.).

  1. Click Download.

  2. Ensure the eye icon of the Export Excel is also open (Otherwise, it will not be visible on the Preview UI page.).

  3. Click Preview UI.

  1. Click the Save button to ensure that both the tabs are visible when you open the Visualizer Type next time and when you push the Visualizer Type into production.

  1. Click Download and then click Export Excel. An Excel file gets downloaded to your system.

  1. You get all the details in the Excel format not just code references but also details of all the extensions added, if any.

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