Upload Custom Excel Document for Export (Google Sheets Version)


Our tool is designed to provide versatile report export options to cater to different user needs. In addition to exporting reports in PowerPoint and MS Word formats, our tool also supports exporting reports in MS Excel format. This document outlines the process for downloading and exporting reports in MS Excel, ensuring that users can easily access and present their data in a spreadsheet format.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Create a customized Excel document.

  2. Follow the steps to Add a Table in Discovery Wizard (Google Sheets Version).

  3. Follow the steps to Export Excel to get Visualizer Type Details in Excel Format in Discovery Wizard.

  4. Open the customized Excel document and the Export Excel document you downloaded.

  1. In the Export Excel document, click the Analysis sheet.

  2. Right-click on the Analysis tab and then click Move or Copy.

  1. Click the drop-down button, select the customized Excel document from the list, and click OK.

  2. The Analysis sheet gets moved to the customized Excel document.

  3. Right-click on the Analysis tab and click Rename to give a new name to the sheet.

  1. Click Upload a Custom Excel document for Export to upload the customized Excel document.

  2. Once the document is uploaded, click Discovery Wizard.

  3. Click the Preview button on the top navigation to make changes to the values, if required.

  4. Click the Download button and then click Export Excel.

  5. Open the downloaded document and you can see that all the changed values are also found on the customized Excel document.

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