Debug the Model in Blockly


Sometimes there are instances when something that works excellently in your Excel model breaks in the ValueCore. In such a scenario, you can use this method.

However, before uploading the model ensure that your model has:

    • Only calculated values in the VROI_OUTPUT sheet
    • Balanced brackets or matched pairs of brackets i.e., brackets of IF conditions and other calculations are closed properly
    • Operators in the correct format
    • Top-down dependency i.e., only values in the top cells are referred to for calculations and not the other way round

Besides, instead of making changes directly in Blockly, make changes to your Excel model before uploading. Otherwise, you need to update your Excel model every time you make any change in Blockly.

Step-by-Step Model

  1. Follow the steps to Upload your Model/Create a Visualizer Type.

  1. Click Code on the Visualizer Type page.

  1. Click Validate Code.

  1. If there is no issue with the code, then the message "Your code appears to be valid!" appears on the screen highlighted in green.

  1. If there is an issue with the code, then an Error Message will appear on the screen highlighted in red. In such a scenario, use the information provided in the Error Message and the related code references to correct the flat file and then re-upload.

  2. If there are any missing variables, use the search bar to find those variables.

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