STEP 14: Add/Change Colors in Discovery Wizard


You can select the color of your choice for styling the prototype pages, tables, and charts.

Step-by-Step Guide


  1. Follow the steps to Add Variables in Discovery Wizard.

  1. Click Settings on the top navigation. The Style pop-up box appears.

  1. Click the color box next to the Primary Color field.

  1. Select the color of your choice. As you select a color, you can see the color of the menu button also getting changed.

  2. Once a color has been selected, click Save.

  3. If you want to continue with the default color, click Cancel.

  1. Click the color box to select the Inputs Header color.

  2. Click Save. (When selecting colors sometimes you need to double-click the Save button.)

  1. The font color of the title entered in the Header field while adding variables changes to the color of your choice.

  1. Click the color box to change the color of the Inputs Header Background.

  1. The background color of the inputs header changes to the selected color.


  1. Follow the steps to Add a Table in Discovery Wizard.

  1. Click Settings and when the Style pop-up box appears, click Table Settings. It expands to show the different fields.

  1. Click the color box next to the Header Color field.

  1. The background color of the header changes to the selected color.

  1. Select a color of your choice for the Header Text field to change the font color of the Header Text.

  1. Select a color of your choice for the Even Row Color field to change the background color of even rows.

  1. Select a color of your choice for the Odd Row Color field to change the background color of odd rows.

  1. Hover your mouse over the first column and click the fill color icon in the first row. The Row Styling pop-up box appears.

  1. Click the color box next to the Text Color.

  1. The font color of the text of the particular row changes to the selected color.

  1. Select a Background Color to change the background color of a particular row.


  1. Follow the steps to Add a Chart in Discovery Wizard.

  1. Click the color box next to each variable that you have added. The color picker box appears and then click to select the color of your choice.

  1. If you want to create a new color scheme click Linear Gradient. The Linear Gradient Color Generator pop-up box appears.

  1. Click Generator if you are okay with the color scheme. OR

  1. Click the trash icon to delete any one of the colors and then click Generator OR

  2. Click Add New Color to add color to the scheme and then click Generator.

  3. You can click the spin box or directly enter the percentage to ensure the right proportion for each color in a color scheme. However, going with the default color proportion would help create a fantastic color scheme.

  1. The particular variable appears in the new color scheme.

  2. Likewise, if you want you can make each variable appear in different color schemes.

  1. Click Labels on the left navigation pane. Click the color boxes to select the colors of your choice for each label on the chart.

  1. All the labels are displayed in colors selected by you. Click Create.

  1. The chart appears on the Prototype page.


  1. Click the Save button in the top navigation at regular intervals to avoid rework or Enable the AutoSave Feature in Discovery Wizard.

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