STEP 13: Add Variables in Discovery Wizard


If you want to show only the essential facts, you can choose the Add Variable option.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Follow the steps to Upload your Model/ Create a Visualizer Type.

  1. Click Discovery Wizard on the Visualizer Type page.

  1. Click either of the pencil icons to update the title of the page.

  1. Click Section to add a new page to the prototype.

  1. Click Add Variable. The Add Variable pop-up box appears.

  1. Enter the name or title of the variable in the Variable Name field.

  2. Select code reference from the drop-down list.

  3. Select the hide code reference from the drop-down list, if you want to hide the variable.

  4. Enter a title in the Header field.

  5. Click Add.

  1. The variable added appears on the Prototype page.

  1. Click the Save button at regular intervals to avoid rework or Enable the AutoSave Feature in Discovery Wizard.

  2. Click Add Variable again to add more variables.

Editing the Variables

  1. Click the pencil icon to edit the variable. The Update Variable pop-up box appears.

  1. Enter a brief description in the Tooltip field, if required. But it is not mandatory.

  2. Make the required changes and click Save.

Deleting the Variable

  1. Click the trash icon if you want to delete the added variable.

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