STEP 16: View the Visualizer Type Data


You can view all the details of a particular visualizer type such as version, user, contact, persona, last modified data, whether the data is real, and so on.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Follow the steps to Access the Visualizer Types Page.

  2. Select the Visualizer Type whose data you want to view.

  1. Click View Data. The Visualizer Type Data page appears.

  1. The page lists all the versions created for the particular Visualizer Type.

  2. Click Export to Excel. An Excel file with all the details gets downloaded to your device.

  3. Click Stats. The Visualizer Type Data Stats page appears.

  1. It provides further details about each version of the particular Visualizer Type.

  2. Click Back to go back to the Visualizer Type Data page.

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