STEP 10: Add Dynamic Variables for Word Export in VC and DW


When you create a Prototype, you have the option to export the values to a Microsoft Word document.

As part of business, your client might need to provide a well-crafted value proposition during a sales pitch. Instead of reproducing the same Word document repeatedly as per the current business performance of each of their customers, it would be easier for your client to change the values in the Prototype and export them in a Word doc.

Word Export is usually done when the client specifically asks for it. Usually, the client sends the format or the Word document to create the Export template.

Here, you can find details of exporting Word from Value Collaborator (VC) as well as Discovery Wizard (DW).

Step-by-Step Guide

Exporting from VC

  1. Follow the steps to Export Excel to get Visualizer Type Details in Excel Format in VC.

  1. Open the Excel file and under Template Placeholder Value, you can find the dynamic variables that you need to create your Word document.

  1. Open a Word doc and enter your data as shown in the screenshot above. Refer to the Dynamic Variables for Word and PPT Export to know the format.

  2. Open the Visualizer Type page that you have created for uploading the Excel model and follow the steps to Enable Export Buttons in Value Collaborator. Besides, Word, you can also enable the buttons for pdf format.

  1. On the Visualizer Type page, click Upload a Custom Word 1 Document for Export to upload the Word document containing dynamic variables.

  1. Click Choose File to upload the Word document.

  1. Click Upload.

  1. You can see the Word document uploaded in the Visualizer Type page.

  1. Click Value Collaborator and then click Prototype.

  1. On the Prototype page, you can hide variables, if required. For a step-by-step guide, please read the documentation on Enable the Hide/Show Feature in Value Collaborator.

  1. You can also make changes to the values, if required and then click Save.

  1. Click Export and then click Export Word on the Prototype page.

  2. A Word document gets downloaded to your device.

  1. You can see that the Word document contains the changed values.

Exporting from DW

  1. Follow the steps to Export Excel to get Visualizer Type Details in Excel Format in DW.

  1. Open the Excel file and under Template Placeholder Value, you can find the dynamic variables that you need to create your Word document.

  1. Open a Word doc and enter your data as shown in the screenshot above. Refer to the Dynamic Variables for Word and PPT Export to know the format.

  1. Open the Visualizer Type page where you have uploaded the Excel model.

  2. Click Upload a Custom Word 1 Document for Export to upload the Word document containing dynamic variables.

  1. Click Choose File to upload the Word document.

  1. Click Upload.

  1. You can see the PPT presentation uploaded in the Visualizer Type.

  1. Click Discovery Wizard.

  1. Follow the steps to Add a Table in Discovery Wizard in the case of model import or follow the steps to Add a Table in Sheets enabled DW in the case of Google Sheets import.

  1. Click Download and then ensure that the eye icon for Word Export is open (Otherwise, it will not be visible on the Preview UI page.).

  1. Click Preview UI.

  1. You can also make changes to the values, if required.

  1. Once you change the value, click Save.

  1. Click Download and then click Word Export.

  1. A Word document gets downloaded to your device with the latest values.

  1. You can see that the Word document contains the changed values.


  1. If there is more than one Word document to be uploaded, upload one document in 'Custom Word 1' and the second document in 'Custom Word 2' and so on.

  2. When adding dynamic variables in Tables, ensure to add the VR code from bottom to top.

  3. Charts need to be embedded in the Word document.

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