Translate Tooltips in Value Collaborator


You can easily translate the tooltips with the following method.

Step-by-Step Guide

Selecting Languages

  1. Follow the steps to Access the Visualizer Types Page.

  2. Select a Visualizer Type or follow the steps to Create a Visualizer Type.

  3. Click Value Collaborator.

  4. Click General Settings.

  5. Select the languages by clicking inside the Language text box.

Translating Tooltips

  1. Follow the steps to Add a Simple Table in Value Collaborator.

  2. Click Table.

  3. Hover the mouse over the cell and click the 'I' icon. Enter the text in the Tooltip text box. As soon as you type, you can find a new tab in the corner. It is the translation tab.

  4. Click the tab and the Translation pop-up box appears.

  5. Provide the translation and when done click Update Label's Translation.

  6. Click Save and then click Prototype.

  7. On selecting the language, you can see the tooltip text changing.
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