Download/Export Files in Discovery Wizard


The Discovery Wizard has a download button that helps you to download Excel sheets, word documents, PPTs, PDFs, etc.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Follow the steps to Upload your Model/ Create a Visualizer Type.

  1. Click Discovery Wizard.

Exporting Excel

  1. Ensure that the eye icon near the Download tab is open.

  1. Click the Download tab and you can see the names of the file formats in which the documents could be downloaded.

  2. Ensure that the eye icon of the file format in which you want the document to be downloaded is open.

  1. Click Preview UI.

  1. Click the Download tab and click Export Excel.

  2. The Excel document gets downloaded to your device.

Exporting Word

  1. Click Upload a Custom Word 1 document for Export on the Visualizer Type page.

  1. Click Choose File and select a Word document from your device.

  2. Click Upload.

  1. Click Discovery Wizard.

  1. Click the Download tab and you can see the names of the file formats in which the documents could be downloaded.

  2. Ensure that the eye icon of the Word file is open.

  3. Click Preview UI.

  1. Click the Download tab and click the Word document.

  2. The Word document gets downloaded to your device.

Exporting PPT

  1. Click Upload a Custom PowerPoint 1 document for Export on the Visualizer Type page.

  1. Click Choose File and select a PowerPoint file from your device.

  2. Click Upload.

  1. Click Discovery Wizard.

  1. Click the Download tab and you can see the names of the file formats in which the documents could be downloaded.

  2. Ensure that the eye icon of the PPT file is open. You can even download a PDF file.

  3. Click Preview UI.

  1. Click the Download tab and click the Word document.

  2. The Word document gets downloaded to your device.

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