Get to Know the Advanced Tab on the Visualizer Type Page
Once you create a Visualizer Type, you can access a feature-rich Advanced tab. The different menu buttons in the Advanced tab help you do multiple things concerning your Visualizer Type. So let's get to know the various aspects of the Advanced Settings tab.
Step-by-Step Guide
- Click Advanced on the Visualizer Type page.
- It expands to reveal different menu buttons.
The Extensions page contains details of the different extensions namely images, videos, and charts you have added to your Visualizer Type. For a step-by-step guide,
Click Create New Extension to create an extension manually but you must know JavaScript to create one.
- You can Move, Edit, or Delete the different extensions added.
Group Variable
The Group Variable pop-up box contains the JSON codes.
There are three levels - Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.
- The best practice is to select Advanced, edit codes or add tags, and then click Save.
Related Topics:
- The Configuration pop-up box contains settings that help you function smoothly and provide greater control over the application.
Related Topics:
- The Notifications page helps you decide whether to be notified when certain events happen.
Sharing Settings
- When you create a Share Link to be shared with a user, you can decide the credentials that the user must provide to access your Visualizer.
Data Capture Wizards
- It is not fully functional.
Overlay Variables on Graphic
You can easily add an image in Value Collaborator using this feature. For a step-by-step guide, read the documentation on Use Overlay Variables on Graphic to add Static and Dynamic Images in the VC.
Build Cache
- Click Build Cache and you will be notified when the caching is done.