Search results for create a visualizer

223 articles found

  • Create a Simple Flattened Excel

    Overview A flat file has a table-like structure and consists of rows and columns where data is stored as plain text. Each row represents a single record while each column represents the different

  • Remove Variables from the Visualizer Type using the Excel Model

    Overview There are times when you need to remove duplicate values or hide certain variables from the prototype. It can be easily done using the Excel model. Step-by-Step Guide Follow the steps to

  • Add Missed Tags using the Add Navigation Tab in Value Collaborator

    Overview The Add Navigation tab is for adding navigation that already exists. If a tag whether it is a tab, section, or category is not imported correctly, the Add Navigation tab helps you to add it

  • Import Excel in Discovery Wizard

    Overview Just as you can import a table in Value Collaborator, you can easily add variables and sections in Discovery Wizard. Step-by-Step Guide Follow the steps to Upload your Model/Create a

  • STEP 9: Add a Chart in Value Collaborator

    Previous - Add a Help Text in Value Collaborator Overview Stack Chart You can create Pie charts, Bar charts, Column charts, Group charts, Stack charts, and Waterfall charts. Step-by-Step Guide Follow

  • Display Options as Radio Buttons

    Overview Only Enums could be displayed as radio buttons. Step-by-Step Guide Follow the steps to Upload your Model/Create a Visualizer Type. . Click Variable Types. The Variable Types page appears.

  • Display Options in a Drop-Down or Checkbox

    Overview Only Enums could be displayed as a drop-down or checkbox. Step-by-Step Guide Follow the steps to Upload your Model/Create a Visualizer Type. Click Variable Types. The Variable Types page

  • Use Overlay Variables on Graphic to add Static and Dynamic Images in the VC

    Overview The Overlay Variables on Graphic allow you to add static and dynamic images on the prototype in Value Collaborator very easily. Step-by-Step Guide Follow the steps to Upload your

  • Override Values in Discovery Wizard

    Overview You can override values in Discovery Wizard. For that, you must select an output variable as the Overridden Value. Though the value is taken from the Output sheet, it is called the

  • Debug the Model in Blockly

    Overview Sometimes there are instances when something that works excellently in your Excel model breaks in the ValueCore. In such a scenario, you can use this method. However, before uploading the

  • Add a Tooltip in Value Collaborator

    Overview A tooltip is a short description that appears when the user holds the mouse pointer over a screen element. Tooltips offer a great way to add clarity to an element or component that might

  • Import Table in Value Collaborator

    Overview When you need to add a table with 15 or more rows, the best option is to use the import table feature rather than creating a table manually. Step-by-Step Guide Creating Excel Table Open a

  • Chevron UI to Create More than One Level of Navigation

    Overview Normally, you have the first level of navigation for the prototype with the main tabs at the top and categories on the left side. However, you can have a second level and even a third level

  • Create a New Version of a Visualizer Type

    Overview Once a Visualizer Type has been pushed into production, you have the option to create a new version. Step-by-Step Guide Follow the steps to Push a Visualizer Type to Production. Click Create

  • Make Minor Math Updates in the UI using Blockly

    Overview You can make mathematical adjustments to your Visualizer using the programming software Blockly. Only minor adjustments affecting very few calculations and/or variables such as changing

  • Add Browser Tab Title to your Value Collaborator

    Overview It allows you to have a different browser tab title for your value collaborator visualizer. Step-by-Step Guide Follow the steps to Add a Simple Table in Value Collaborator. Click Setting on

  • Integrate with Google Sheets

    Overview Google Sheets, a calculation engine for a value model (Visualizer Types), is an alternative to Blockly and Excel import. Discovery Wizard, powered by Google Sheets, helps model developers

  • Custom Create Tabs/Sections using the Add Navigation Tab in Value Collaborator

    Overview Using the Add Navigation tab you can custom-create tags and sections directly in the Value Collaborator. Step-by-Step Guide Create a generic file with all the details and calculations in one

  • Create Folders and Sub-Folders for Visualizer Types

    Previous - Create Visualizer Quickly with One Click Import Overview You can easily organize and categorize your Visualizer Types into different folders. Step-by-Step Guide Follow the steps to Access

  • Send a Copy of your Visualizer using Visualizer Hub

    Overview You can easily send a copy of your visualizer to the members of your organization in Visualizer Hub. Step-by-Step Guide Click Visualizer Hub on the Home page. Click to select Share from the

  • Delete a Visualizer Type

    Overview Sometimes you need to delete a visualizer type created by you owing to some issues. Step-by-Step Guide Follow the steps to Access the Visualizer Types Page. On the Visualizer Types page,

  • Import a Visualizer Type

    Overview Apart from copying a Visualizer Type created by another person, there is yet another option and that is importing the Visualizer Type. Note: You can import only those Visualizer Types that

  • Recall a Visualizer Type from Production

    Overview Once you have pushed a visualizer type into production, if you find any errors or mistakes that need to be edited or updated, you can easily recall the visualizer type from production. There

  • Add / Remove Logo from a Visualizer Type

    Overview Every Visualizer Type that you create has the option to add, change, and remove the logo. Step-by-Step Guide Open your Visualizer Type by following the steps to Edit your Visualizer Type.

  • Copy a Visualizer Type Created by Another Person

    Overview Sometimes you need to work on a Visualizer Type created by another person. The Valuecore application allows edits to a Visualizer Type only if you are the owner of that Visualizer Type. The

  • View A Visualizer Type created by Another Person

    Overview The ValueCore application allows you to view the Visualizer Type created by another person but you cannot edit it. There are two methods to view the Visualizer Type created by another

  • Delete the New Version of a Visualizer Type

    Overview Once you create a new version, you have the option to delete it. Step-by-Step Guide Follow the steps to Create a New Version of a Visualizer Type. You can see a green ribbon at the top

  • Share Visualizer using the Options Menu in Visualizer Hub

    Overview Once a visualizer has been created, you can share it through the Visualizer Hub page as well., Step-by-Step Guide Click Visualizer Hub on the Home page. Click to select Share from the

  • How to upload a PowerPoint template into your visualizer type?

    Overview Once you create a prototype, you can export the values in a PPT format. However, you need to upload a PPT template with dynamic variables. Configure your PowerPoint template. On the

  • Edit your Visualizer Type

    Overview The following are the steps to select, view, and edit the Visualizer Type created by you. Step-by-Step Guide Click Visualizer Types on the Home page. On the Visualizer Types page, a list of

  • Access the Shared Visualizer

    Overview Share links are created to send a copy of the Visualizer to a teammate or prospective customer. They can change any inputs without changing the default settings, thus making the results

  • Access the Visualizer Types Page

    Overview You need to reach the Visualizer Types page to create a new Visualizer Type or access the Visualizer Type created either by you or by another person. There are two ways to access the

  • Add Tags to your Visualizer Type

    Overview You can add tags based on geographical regions, locations, designations, or roles to visualizer types that you own. Step-by-Step Guide Select the visualizer type that you own. Follow the

  • View Shares and Instances in Visualizer Hub

    Overview You can easily find out the number of visualizers shared and also the changes made to the visualizer by the user. Step-by-Step Guide Click Visualizer Hub on the Home page. Click to select

  • Get to Know the Visualizer Hub Page

    Overview The Visualizer Hub page provides an outline of all your activities on the ValueCore platform. Step-by-Step Guide Click Visualizer Hub on the Home page. Click Manage to access the Manage

  • Enable Currency Conversion for your Visualizer Type

    Overview You can easily convert the amount in your visualizer type or for that matter visualizer to other currencies. Step-by-Step Guide Follow the steps to Add a Simple Table in Value Collaborator.

  • STEP 16: View the Visualizer Type Data

    Previous - Add a Chart in Discovery Wizard Overview You can view all the details of a particular visualizer type such as version, user, contact, persona, last modified data, whether the data is real,

  • Create a Select All Enum Option

    Overview Sometimes a model might have a lot of (include/exclude) values and therefore including a Select All Enum as an option helps improve user experience. Step-by-Step Guide Enter the Enum code in

  • Create a Salesforce Button or Link

    Overview Salesforce integration may not be included in your ValueCore license, If these functions and features aren't available, please contact your Customer Success Manager or email

  • Get to Know the Options Menu in Visualizer Hub

    Overview On the Visualizer Hub page, you can carry out many functions using the Options menu. Step-by-Step Guide Click to select from the different functions in the Options drop-down list. Click View

  • Export Visualizers in Different File Formats using Visualizer Hub

    Overview You can easily export your visualizer in different file formats in Visualizer Hub. Step-by-Step Guide Click Visualizer Hub on the Home page. Click to select Share from the Options drop-down

  • Select Languages to Translate your Visualizer Type in VC

    Overview Select languages of your choice to translate your visualizer type. Step-by-Step Guide Follow the steps to Add a Simple Table in Value Collaborator. Click Setting on the Value Collaborator

  • STEP 1: Log in to your Account

    Overview Follow the procedure for logging into your organization for the first time. Step-by-Step Guide Click the link provided in the ValueCore Email Verification email in your inbox. On the login

  • How to create a native waterfall chart in PowerPoint?

    Overview To create a native Waterfall chart in PowerPoint is relatively easy like other charts. However, it involves a couple of minor additional steps. The waterfall charts in the Visualizer UI has

  • 28 April 2023 Release

    Enhancement Visualizer Type Visualizer Type owner information and "Transfer Ownership" Visualizer Type tags NEW Repository of all imported Spreadsheets (history of all imported spreadsheets by

  • Import Excel in the Sales Dashboard

    Overview The Import Excel feature helps you to create visualizers with values or data changed, Step-by-Step Guide On the Home page, click Sales Dashboard. On the Sales Dashboard page, click Import

  • Role of the Discovery Tool in the Sales Dashboard

    Overview It helps you to create visualizers but the only difference is that it shows only those visualizer types that have been configured with Discovery Wizard. But if a Value Collaborator has also

  • Create Tags using Manage Tags

    Overview If you have users belonging to different geographical regions, locations, and divisions or performing different roles within a company, you can categorize them into different user groups by

  • Integrate with Salesforce

    Overview Incentivize your sales reps to use Salesforce more consistently and effectively by providing a one-click value statement that your reps can use to position themselves as true challengers to

  • Create an Outbound Campaign

    Previous - Create an Email Template Overview Outbound Campaign refers to the process of making Visualizers en masse. Step-by-Step Guide Follow the steps to Access the Visualizer Types Page. Select